What wild new products is Tesla planning? In this video, we take a look at what an HVAC System from Tesla could look like and how it could disrupt the home …


41 thoughts on “Tesla's Secret Home Heating & AC System?”

  1. You spoke a lot about smart vents wiring things with ductwork. "Whoever does this first will be the winner."
    For more expensive homes, HVAC companies have been doing this since the 80's or 90's. Same with variable-speed fans and variable speed compressors.

    What Tesla would have to do to stand out is to make it smarter than the competition, and to take some things they learned from their Model Y thermal management and use those. This might mean zoned intake or bidirectional intake and venting to be able to pump hot air from hot rooms into rooms that need heat, for instance. Or have easy to convert outdoor units that can be swapped with geomass if you want to boost your efficiency in the future.

    Or the closest thing to the octovalve setup would be if you had a liquid-cooled power wall that could pull the heat from the batteries while they charge, and use that to contribute heat to the home.

    It's hard to do this stuff in a home compared to a car. So I think brand recognition might be their main selling point. Nevertheless, I would be interested to see what their team would come up with.

    Also, do NOT drink dehumidifier water. Technically it is distilled. But if you have ever cleaned a dirty indoor unit, you don't want your mouth near anything that's been in there. I have a UV light in mine to keep microbial activity to a minimum.

  2. Tesla can also offer the financing component in an ROI-driven approach with dynamic pricing and incentives coordinated with local utility rebate programs. In other words, Tesla can manage the variables in design, PV sizing, storage , power purchase agreement, etc. to provide a no-brained predictable net savings to the home owner it would be a complete game changer. Turnkey solution.

  3. This can work in the US, but not elsewhere in the world. The US HVAC industry is so old and outdated. Inverter-controlled whole house ductless heat pumps with zone control are quite common in the rest of developed countries, especially Asia. And they are not that expensive.

  4. That which hath been is that which shall be; and that which hath been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun., I had many of these Ideas in 2008, but put aside my endeavors. Recent events has lead to them to be pulled out and dust them off again. Let Tesla know, they have disgraced Nickolas's name, עֲזָאזֵל! Azazel is coming to demand it back. You may join my team through collaboration now, or later as my employees.

  5. It wouldn’t be pure water because while its off or in idle there is a high risk for mildew which would contaminate all the “clean water” im a hvac/r technician. There are already super efficient systems out there. There is no way to perfect an air conditioner. Teslas model would be well over 20,000 per unit.

  6. Hmm… I was hoping to hear about something more of an invention but actually the system you spoke about has been in commercial systems for some time. The system (smart dampers in the distribution system) hasn't trickled down because of the arrogance of the HVAC companies (and hence the reason Asian AC split systems are taking a strong hold in the US) and the huge lack of consistent professionalism in the industry. I have seen (only one) residential system that had properly placed return air ducts that open and close depending on which air conditioning is taking place – heating or cooling. They do exist out there… it is too bad the industry doesn't package the solutions better for installers to be idiot proof.

  7. The real genius would be getting all the appliances to work together. The way an air conditioner/heat pump works is it separates heat from cold. If you are cooling there is (waste) heat. If you are heating there is (waste) cold.
    Your refrigerator cools, clothes dryer heats, hot water tank heats, heat pump heats or cools, and air conditioner cools. If these are all linked together on one condenser loop the waste from one can be used in another.

  8. Touched many point but the most obvious? Segmented control is only battery when installed after building. Already hardwire available during construction. Smart stats with geofencing already done. What the unit cover looks like? C’mon? Stop with that.

    What actually makes sense;
    We already know that we should be building with geothermal. Fact. Changing to this requires a heat pump & drilling a tunnel(s) hundreds of feet deep.
    In case i need to finish my point?
    Incorporating boring tunneling technology along with Tesla heat pump advantages could create a revolution.

    I believe this is the point Elon made.

    Oh, and homes aren’t built to be sealed, they breath. This is intentional. Living locked in to a hospital/commercial type structure with sealed windows and vestibules would make a sad future. Of course this is already availability today if you choose or have a health condition that requires it.
    This would also eliminate the undeniably most efficient way of heating and cooling.”screens” 😆

    Feeling like I’m the only one that thought this out? If I’m wrong? Show me how.

  9. I believe the future of heating and cooling is a product called quiet cool I put in this product in my house and it cut my AC bill by 90% and we also use it during the winter time to heat our house it works in dry climate zones not high humidity.

  10. We have the technology to cool our houses without electricity or moving parts. No need for compressors or fans. In the all days, freezers were not electric (ammonia was heat up and the evaporation/condensation would produce cold and that's how RV system work till today. Heating the ammonia could be done with solar evacuated tubes). I've also seen cooling system comprised of ducts connected to a metal box on the roof that circulates cool air in the house (The hot air in the metal box will create a vacuum, since hot air tents to move up, though pulling cool air into the home from another system called earth battery). Adjusting the temperature is just a matter of controlling the ducts and switching on/off the heating of the ammonia.

  11. Tesla HVAC would be great if they could integrate fridges, clothes dryers, a geothermal loop, and water heaters. The name of the game is heat management. If they can redirect excess heat immediately out of the house with a roided out octovalve that would be great. If they can reuse that heat (even if it's to make a heat pump more efficient) then it's even better. Room-by-room basis air conditioning would be even better. On the extreme end, if they wanted to heat the house, ideally they could use IR beams to directly heat you instead of the entire house (super sci-fi, but technically possible). There is a range of improvements that can be made from relatively easy to very hard.

    It might even be worth making a "Tesla bed" that regulates the temperature of the mattress, blanket, and area near your face so that you don't even have to have the AC on in your bedroom when you're sleeping all the time.

  12. Tesla 0 emissions one of the great green energies technologies plus google nest Siemens Johnston controls carrier York hoax systems plus other big names like Mitsubishi Fujitsu and trans what I want say what Tesla can add on hybrid or high efficiency or smart interface control like solar technologies on battery high quality run those systems from solar or thermal ground loop systems or how to pack all these things and put it in one generator green idea architectural base in the way of pin point the surface and environment of the houses and buildings

  13. In Arizona I would definitely replace my our existing system with this. Our Electricity bill is very expensive and we are conservative with the A/C temperature. I also think that a very important aspect is also creating a tight and highly efficient home to keep the temperature in. It would be like getting a Yeti Cooler that will still have ice after 4 days compared to the old CoolMate cooler where the ice is melted by the end of the day. Once the home is cooled down, it just needs to retain the temperature which calculated into the efficiency of the home as well as having a efficient Tesla HVAC along with the bonus of healthy air and clean water as a byproduct. Win Win.

  14. RE: Tesla HVAC system
    Today, no existing technology, except the Maisotsenko Cycle (M-Cycle), can provide such features desired for Tesla HVAC as energy efficiency, silence, zero environment impact, low cost, healthy air for air cooling and heating, heat recuperation, air humidification-dehumidification – all in a revolutionary concept of the evaporative cooling, approaching air temperature less than the dew point temperature.

    The M-Cycle makes the indirect evaporative air cooling technology a cost-effective, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly alternative to mechanical refrigerant cooling & heating equipment.

    Gen3 M-Cycle: Better performance (price, energy, emission) for less

    From Nikola Tesla (energy from air) to Tesla smart home HVAC system (disruptive and efficient).

  15. More efficient HVAC could also mean systems that could run off of batteries. Right now most HVAC is too heavy a load for batteries, even with soft start. My main concern with a highly integrated solution of furnace/AC/refrigerator/water heater/dryer/toilet water – is that a single point of failure could take out all those systems. Systems that depend on an internet connection are a prime example. I want my home systems rugged in case of earthquake, fire storm, flood, wind, power surge/loss, or civil disruptions.

  16. It’s SO convenient that you’re 45 minutes away from home and it takes 30 minutes to cool down. For years Honeywell stats have had ‘adaptive intelligence’ built into the programming. The stat learned that for the house to be comfortable at 6 pm when you walk in it must turn on at 5:13, for example. So…..let’s add the quality of ‘on demand’, so you’re not tied to a structured programmed schedule. The house will start to recover from setback based on GPS tracking etc. Great. Not so fast. If you’re 12 minutes from home, and based on your desired energy savings, quality of building envelope etc, it takes 51 minutes to recover, you’re walking into a house that’s not ready for YOU. Zoning, inverter technology, ECM motors, filtration have been in the market for years. Based on pricing pressures, most of these items will be niche products at best. ‘Nest’ as one example leads us to believe it’s turned stats on their heads. Apple like style? Yes. Revolutionary? No. Houses will become a holistic, almost singular, assembly in the next 50 years. That will require several industries to integrate in a practical way. But having now watched 10 Tesla HVAC videos, an HVAC guy like me thinks, “meh.”

  17. Tesla is long on hype. Musk is full of Musk. The HVAC industry has NOT been sitting on its ass. But, as Musk is wont to do, it’s long on goosebumps and short on substance. As is always the case, Musk has figured out things the rest of the industry can’t. The price just quoted is higher than the market will support. Virtually all of the ideas mentioned have been considered for years, and are all available now. Even some of the features mentioned won’t work as described. THATS NOT TO SAY HOUSES WONT BECOME SMARTER. But all of these solutions exists NOW. However they’re not feasible now, based on market forces.

  18. Great concept. Free energy from solar, 24/7 operation from Powerwall. Heat removed by AC could be used to provide hot water. Captured condensate could provide drinking water.

  19. Hvac systems haven’t changed much in 50 years. A bit more efficient and much less reliable. Typical equipment cost for complete central system is around 2-3k. Installed 12-15k plus. Huge profits. With that said I am shocked no one has come in before now to completely re design the modern central hvac system. I can think of a modular design that will simplify the system and make it much more serviceable, dependable and cost effective. Maybe more efficient as well but without a lab and some seed money I won’t find out. Either way Elon is the right guy to take on this enormous problem. Everyone in the south has one and it does make up 50+% of the utility cost in the summer. Billions.

  20. I absolutely think they should revolutionize hvac. Disrupt that entire market. The only thing that worries me is that elon needs to hire good ppl to head up the market adoption, sales installation etc. Hopefully when I buy my house I want to buy power walls, solar roof, and if they have hvac that too.

  21. I own a Model 3 and regret not having a heat pump like the Model Y. Speaking HVAC a heat pump with a COP of 5 would be cheaper to run than heating with natural gas. This heat pump at cold out door temperature would be as transformative to heating as EVs are to cars! The planet needs to replace natural gas with renewables which need COP 5 heat pumps. This is not easy but Tesla can put its engineers to the task. Please do a video on COP 5 heat pumps and how Tesla might take up the challenge and stay on course in saving the planet.

  22. BTW you are showing the outside units fans and saying stuff about an inlet. The inlet is in your house as well as to outlet. The video and audio at around 3:48 is a little confusing to those not in the know. The only thing coming in besides electrical wires is tubing with refrigerant of some sort. The fire smell and such comes from various cracks and spacing in the house like doors and windows and also you attic where there are vents and also dryer, etc. And if you want filtered air maybe a new system with all the different type of filters put into the system. Still the air would come from those places and pass through your house until it gets to inlet.

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