This smart home electric panel fixed my Tesla Powerwall. The first 1000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: …


21 thoughts on “This Smart Home Electric Panel Fixed My Tesla Powerwall”

  1. Lol, $3500?!?!?! And I bet it goes obsolete soon as the company 1) dies 2) discontinues the product 3) gets acquired. I give this thing a less than 10 year lifespan.

  2. I am about ready to purchase my solar system and 3 power walls from Tesla. Don’t they include and arrange the install with certified installers? My system is be quoted @ $51,000 before credits. I also heard that I need to make sure I am getting 600 volt panels and not thier old ones. Is this true? I am now considering the SPAN for my system here in SW Florida.

  3. I'm back. The SPAN panel was commissioned today. There is a severe weakness in their CONOP, where they tie the hands of the electrician and get in the way of relationship between the customer and the electrician. I too am looking forward to the potential of this panel, with its ethernet connection to the Tesla Gateway.

  4. So let me get this straight: you pay around $5500 (including installation) mainly so you don't have to flip a few breakers once or twice a year? No thanks! Yes, it's a clever product that does a nifty thing, but this strikes me as yet another case of losing sight of the big picture just because there's a new whizbang gadget. The power monitoring is handy, but there are much cheaper options for that.

  5. USian electrical equipment seriously looks like it's from the 30's.
    All that steel conduit. Huge steel boxes, 2 phases.


    -An Australian Electrician (specialising in battery and solar)

  6. Few things:
    1. Span is super impressive. Thank you for sharing. If it wasnt for you, i would never learn about it.
    2. Your video production is God mode!! Really slick transitions. I wish I could learn from you.
    3. Did you try your hand at Voice over productions? You can make a killer! Love your voice and narration. Big big fan.

  7. How does this compare to commercial smart panel options that already have light scheduling, remote monitoring and remote circuit reset while keeping the ability to override automation control?

  8. Interesting product, especially if doing a new construction and installing solar and batteries. A retrofit or replacement of an existing panel is obviously expensive. I just had a look online and there are Smart Wifi Circuit Breakers for your current board that you can get for about $60 (prices vary by brand). So what if you created a virtual panel using these for the non-critical or power hungry loads and disabled them during a blackout (automate based on the battery status > when disconnected from grid, disable non-crit circuits)). This maybe a small number of circuits, say 4 and now you are at about $240 and the critical circuits stay as they are > on.

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